In a world of growing cultural anxiety and creeping censorship, we commission, develop and stage thought-provoking, risk-taking theatre.


Theatre’s true nature

Is as a mysterious, alive, sexy, disruptive and dangerous place. It should not be about conformist platitudes dressed up as radical activism, funded on the grounds that they are morally and socially improving. We believe a play should be judged on whether audiences love it and recommend it to others, not whether it ‘shares the right message’ or ticks boxes. To create powerful, demanding and truly entertaining work, playwrights must be free – free to think, to write, to follow a passion, to explore the complexities of life. Above all else, writers must be free to take risks, to take audiences where they might feel uncomfortable. Riptide Theatre is here to free writers from current cultural constraints. We produce plays and musical theatre that deal with the moral ambiguities of life, that entertain, that treat audiences as grown-ups. We don’t interfere with the creative process by imposing an ideology, or mandating sensitivity readers and simplistic notions of ‘inclusivity’. We are interested in what people create, not their ‘identity’ or their ‘issues’. Put simply, we will offer the world great theatre by liberating writers to create their best work.

Why is Riptide Theatre needed now?

Theatre has lost its edge. State-supported theatre institutions produce worthy ‘issue’ plays and ‘state of the nation’ plays which betray a staggering lack of understanding of the state of the nation. The ‘alternative’ theatre culture indulges in the same ideology, while pretending it is counter-cultural. Dominic Cavendish, The Daily Telegraph’s theatre critic believes that theatre is in crisis. We believe that the future of playwriting is being undermined by the current situation. Great art cannot flourish within such constraints. Emptied of its creative energy, today’s theatre has become a vast echo chamber. That must change. Riptide will not select plays because they are simply controversial. We will be driven by the story and the strength of the script.

Playwrights and artists

We organise scratch readings for well-established writers and aspiring talent. At each event, several brand new scripts will be performed, providing a great opportunity for playwrights to see their work onstage. There will be a discussion with the audience at the end to give the authors valuable feedback. Scripts will be rehearsed in the afternoon and performed in the evening (script in hand). We will invite critics, potential funders, actors and members of the public to each event.

Support Riptide

We organise scratch readings for well-established writers and aspiring talent. At each event, several brand new scripts will be performed, providing a great opportunity for playwrights to see their work onstage. There will be a discussion with the audience at the end to give the authors valuable feedback. Scripts will be rehearsed in the afternoon and performed in the evening (script in hand). We will invite critics, potential funders, actors and members of the public to each event.
